Trap Cage

In many wilderness survival shows, challengers often create stone trap devices like this to secure a source of food.

This seemingly simple stone trap can, when triggered by the bait, move one of the bamboo pieces, causing the heavy stone slab to instantly drop and capture the prey. It's well-suited for capturing small and agile animals such as mice, squirrels, and birds.

While according to the "Wildlife Conservation Act," we are not allowed to create stone traps to catch wild animals indiscriminately, we can use Gigo building blocks to create our own traps. Let's get started!
*** (picture where?) "wait for Norman"
Materials needed are shown in the image above. In addition to the common rectangular frames and dual rods, we also need to prepare cotton rope, pulleys, chain gears, and our special guests: the "C-STATIC AXLE CONNECTOR" and "C-1 HOLE CONNECTOR."
♦ Special Parts Introduction
The "C-STATIC AXLE CONNECTOR" (left) we use this time is different from the regular C-AXLE CONNECTOR. Besides being longer, it has a groove design that allows it to have both the activity of a C-AXLE CONNECTOR and the stability of a peg.
The "C-1 HOLE CONNECTOR" (right) provides different angle connections, and its dual-prong design makes it more stable when connected to building blocks.

♦ Assembly Steps
First, we need to construct the framework of the trap cage, so we mainly use sturdier frames and long rods.

Next, we install the pulleys to ensure that the rope can smoothly operate the trap cage.

Then comes the most important part of the trap mechanism. Here, we place the bait platform and use the freely movable C-AXLE CONNECTOR to ensure that the mechanism can be easily triggered.

Now that we've completed the frame and mechanism, we need to secure them to the base.

In the next step, we need to make the cage. Again, we use frames for construction, and to prevent the prey from escaping, we add tires to the cage for weight.

Afterward, we join the four sides of the cage together and add the lid to complete the cage.

Next, we create the winding mechanism and attach the rope to the cage.

Finally, to prevent the cage from shaking, we use two frames to secure the direction of the cage. This way, the cage will accurately cover the bait platform.

♦ Finished Model

♦ Instructional Video
- Time-Lapse Video Production
2. Trap Cage Setup Video
3. Trap Cage Activation Video
♦ Scientific Principle
The main scientific principle we use this time is the "Ratchet Mechanism."
A ratchet allows one-way rotation and prevents reverse rotation. Pawls enable intermittent motion of the ratchet. The mechanism formed by the ratchet and pawls is called the "Ratchet Mechanism." It can convert continuous or reciprocating motion into one-way intermittent motion, a very common mechanism.

The ratchet mechanism is applied in revolving doors of department stores, hotels, and is also commonly used in jacks and bicycles. In this case, we design the switch as a ratchet mechanism. Whenever we place an object or touch the lever under the model, the C-BENDED ROD connected to the lever will move the chain wheel. When the chain wheel rotates, it turns the pulley, and finally, releasing the cotton rope drops our trap to catch the prey!
♦ Conclusion
After reading the content above, are you feeling eager to give it a try? In fact, this ratchet mechanism can also be applied to "World GreenMech Contest," using thrust or gravity to activate the ratchet switch and trigger the subsequent mechanism. It's a simple and practical mechanism! So, let's all quickly come together and give it a try!
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